
Chanel, new photos adv Spring Summer 2011

Chanel adv PE 2011
Chanel spoil us so much and just one week after the second part presents a preview of the photo shoot advertising campaign spring summer 2011 with Freja Beha Erichsen and together with Stella Tennant Baptiste Giabiconi, Missing only the photos with Inès de la Fressange. It 's still Karl Lagerfeld to create the style of Advaita, the clothes, accessories, and also to carry the photo shoot, this time focuses on the natural desire to play and thoughtlessness that dwells in each Women and behold, these photos really cute and evocative of a timeless style that is by no means static but evolve and keep pace.

The new Chanel ad campaign is cheeky and fun, now, compared to the preview, there are some key images that make us understand the mood of advertising.

If the first two photos Freja Beha Erichsen appeared pensive and immersed in his world, we see it today in the company of Stella Tennant while fleeing together (and laugh out loud) by Baptiste Giabiconi who loves water with a wire water for watering the lawn.

I also like the look of the two models wearing the suit frayed fabric in pastel hues of a strictly coordinated clutch of 2:55 and really very nice and attractive that sleep does not take away the few addicted bag!

